
Heineken Vung Tau Beer Factory


Project: Heineken Vung Tau Beer Factory
Contractor: HTD


• Project: Heineken Vung Tau Brewery
• Location: Vung Tau
• Investor: Vietnam Brewery Limited
• Industry: Beer
• Category: Acid-resistant industry, acid-resistant brick floor, chemical-resistant foundation.
• Construction volume: 818m2
• Product:
o Mortar: Metz 19 V bedding cement is a special material consisting of 3 components used to make adhesive grout, resistant to acid, which is commonly used in food and beverage processing factories; Such as: NaOH, low concentrations of H2SO4 and other chemicals. Constructed by specialized vibration vibrator.
o Ron: Met 19V Grouting includes 3 components to make bricks, special acid resistant, to be constructed by a machine
o Expansion joint: Metz 20B Polyurethane with 2 PU-based components is put into the elastic contiguous area, where there is often slight fluctuation but must ensure chemical resistance.
o Tiles: Agrelith acid resistant bricks from Germany, with rectangular cards (198x98x18mm).
• Method: Double-layer acid resistant foundation with vibration machine
• Description: Manufacturing plants, bottling beverage products, with filling rooms, as well as CIP rooms require a base of acid-resistant environment in continuous intervals as well as in high temperatures. Requires a smooth, continuous platform that supports long-term production, and minimal maintenance.
This work requires a 2 layer substrate quality to ensure acid resistance with each layer having different functions and capabilities.
• Construction process:
o Step 1: Clean and ensure the floor is flat and slope
o Step 2: Use Metz 19V cement to paste anti-acid Agrelith tiles with vibration technology to create a uniform surface
o Step 3: Finishing with Metz 19V grouting. This layer has the function of preventing acid from seeping into the bottom layers, the acid resistance of the ron layer for a long time, continuously and without peeling, limiting the maintenance over the working time of the factory.
o Final step: Install Metz 20B expansion joints in critical locations of the floor. Expansion joints make the floor more flexible and keep the structure flat over time. At the same time resistant to corrosion, durable.



• Advantages of the system: High load capacity. Resistant to chemicals and acids during production and hygiene, ensuring the ability to operate continuously of the factory area. Low water absorption density, helps reduce bacteria, easy to clean when stains appear, meeting food hygiene and safety standards. Anti-slip, protect workers during factory operation.